Selasa, 12 April 2011

How to Find Pet Adoption Through PetSmart

How to Find Pet Adoption Through PetSmartthumbnail
Adopt Your Perfect Pet

When most people think of adopting pets, they assume their options are limited to driving around to local pet shelters and searching newspaper ads to find the perfect pet. This can be a time consuming- and sometimes risky- process. However, PetSmart stores have turned pet adoption into a simple, safe process.



    • 1
      Find a Store
      Find your nearest PetSmart store. You can locate it by looking in the phone book, using the "store locater" feature on PetSmart's website, or asking a local friend that already has a pet.
    • 2
      Speak With an Adoption Counselor
      Go to the store and ask to speak to an Adoption Counselor. The Adoption Counselor is a personal guide that will help you select the perfect pet for your family and lifestyle.
    • 3
      Be Prepared to Answer Questions
      Be prepared to answer these questions: What is your schedule like? How many children are in your home, and what are their ages? Do you have any other household pets? Counselors will also want information on your budget, how clean you like your house to be, if you have any allergies, and if you are planning any big life changes in the future (such as a move or the birth of a child). The Adoption Counselor will use the answers to these questions to help select your pet.
    • 4
      Pay for Your Pet
      Pay for your pet and take him home. Pet parents will have to pay a nominal fee for pet adoption. This fee will include the cost of vaccinations, a health check, and spaying/neutering your pet.

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